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A Practical Guide - Ascension to 5th Dimension for the multidimensional soul.



This handbook is part guidance, and part what you need to know about all the soul's path and your path of Ascension. This book is infused with channeled source energy of the highest vibration for your highest good and the highest vibration for the collective.


As we awaken to our divine souls on our paths, you may hear ideas, thoughts, or words that resonate a deep feeling within you. Aspects of yourself recognise them familiar and draw you closer to learning more about them.



About Me:

I offer you guidance and support from my own path of ascension. I have learned a lot since my awakening in 2015. I feel guided to share what I have learned about my personal transformation and the collectives, on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual in an easy-to-follow guide.



Thank you for visiting...

I know you are led here not by chance alone or a synchronicity, but also because you are guided by the inner light that shines within you.


I hope you enjoy the book!


(all sales are final)

Ascension to 5th Dimension - A Practical Guide

    1. Crystalline Body - The Becoming of a Multi-Dimensional Soul Being
    2. Our DNA & Ascension into 5D - The Creation of a Multi-Dimensional Soul Being
    3. How to Understand Solar Storms, and how it impacts our Ascension into 5D
    4. Ascension into 5D - How has it affected our body?
    5. Ascension Fatigue 
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