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Are Soul Contracts and Soul Groups still current in New Age Spirituality?

Discovering your path as a multidimensional soul and what it means for soul contracts in new age spirituality

Group of friend enjoying a summer afternoon
Group of friend enjoying a summer afternoon

One of the first things I learned about spirituality was about past lives, soul contracts, and soul groups. 

I remember being enchanted with all of it. 

And I definitely experienced soul groups. I was on a mission to find my group and be somewhere where I didn't feel like a sacred rebel and black sheep of the family. I wanted to be with others, feel that belonging, and be around others who were also experiencing a spiritual awakening.

Are the newly awakened focused on soul contracts or groups, or are we experiencing more a focus on our path?


The Wayshowers

Since my awakening there are many that I have followed, some have remained in my sphere for many years. 

Others have come and gone, usually because I had learned all that I needed to from them. A minor few showed their true intentions during the plan-demic, and another couple of people no longer resonated, their vibe no longer felt true to me or they did a complete 180 and walked away from spirituality and returning to the church.

Those who have remained in my circle are what I see as our way showers, the first wave of souls incarnated to steer the collective in the awakening to the new earth. 

They are laying the groundwork with their guidance, knowledge, and most importantly, their energy.


The Spiritual Leader

A transmission I received in an email from Sandra Walter this week if you haven`t heard of her, guides us with understanding ascension, energy shifts, downloads, DNA, energy and chakra upgrades, the embodiment of spirituality, and the carbon to crystalline restructure.  (And many other topics worth pursuing for your own benefit).

She deciphers what is unseen in the ethers, and translates that into education and wisdom for the awakened soul. 

Information that we may infuse into our lives, to make our ascension paths easier and help us anticipate what is coming.

In one of her transmissions, she wrote:

We don't incarnate as groups with 'contracts for lessons' any longer. All Souls have been free from those entanglements since 2018. Resolution of conflict, drama, or trauma in family monads and soul groups has already occurred in the higher realms. We are witnessing the rapid sorting out of old frequencies and stories, to align with freedom from past contracts and incarnating as groups.

A Soul Incarnate 

I think back to 2018, 6 years ago where I was in life, and how spirituality was affecting my life at the time. 

I was working in corporate. A spiritual awakening a few years before. I had become getting accustomed to my psychic gifts, and it was the year I began writing stories here on medium.

In all honesty, I can barely remember. The ascension amnesia is one of the biggest adjustment of an awakening.

The quickening of ascension means that there is little space, energy and memory for day-to-day life. In its place is a new calibration of the crystalline body, where none of the old me is really necessary or required to be held by 3D state of mind.

Not to mention the consistent flow of solar and geomagnetic storms that ascend onto Earth and disrupt our electromagnetic fields. Those who understand being multidimensional, we are there more than here.

Even though the physical body is anchored to the earth.


Soul Lessons and Contracts.

My earliest memories of soul lessons, groups and contracts were a collective of souls in my psychic development class.

I did recognise that I had soul groups in my work environment and other friend circles. As well as one-to-one contracts in relationships.

Let me tell you, there were many harsh lessons in the psychic soul group. I experienced betrayal, deceiving, and backstabbing that my life felt like a telenovela.

Since then, those lessons were learned the hard way and while my path hasn't been much easier, I can say now, I am more capabale of riding the waves with more knowledge and awareness that I had in those early years.


The path of resolution

While I do agree and feel that our souls are free from entanglements since 2018, I know for myself there has been a lot of family conflict and drama that has played out in the 3D realm since then.

You could even say that the dissolving of conflict, by continuing to walk my path is what is allowing me to be more free.

But, what I have noticed is that finding peace and choosing not to be in conflict for both soul and family groups occurred because I understood that I was vibrating at a higher frequency.

Not out of ego either…

The awareness I had gained and still do today allows for resolution to take place because of the lessons I have learned in these years since. 

I recognised what battles were worth fighting. And where compassion for those who are unawakened had their own paths to follow based on their own soul contracts.


Shift of frequency 

I also agree with the rapid sorting of frequencies. This is because it is so recognisable if you are awake and aware.

The veils are so thin between dimensions, that any distortion is more prominent in our lives and those we have / had soul contracts with. 

This is shown by estrangement between family or friends, relationships of all kinds no longer remaining together, and our circles have become very small. 

We are walking a path that is more individual and isolated rather than large groups or associates. Valuing our peace more, focusing on what aspects need healing and environments that soothe our souls. We are placing our own needs first, where possible.


A collective awakening

Not all souls are equal in terms of experiences, but they are equivalent in energy, they are all alike. An infinite energy with a path to follow, based on its own agreement.

New Age Spirituality is in the express lane of the collective awakening, souls are awakening quicker than ever before. 

The youngest soul`s coming to earth now, many not all, as rainbow children. Humans with new souls will show us what the New Earth will look like without the constraints of a contract, or the need for lessons.

Will soul contracts and soul groups in new age spirituality be completely dissolved from the realm of spirituality is anyone's guess. We acknowledge both as they played a vital part in Spirituality and what we understand to be Ascension.

Now venturing forward without the need for lessons when applied to soul groups or to incarnate groups I feel will push on to change the new age spiritual landscape. 


Final Thoughts

To live without the weight of lessons or being part of soul groups that may have held us back or contributed to the drama in our lives is in fact freeing if we allow it to be.

Its purpose is so that we search and uncover our experiences and trauna to find our individuality to show our essence and light to the world without it being lost in the crowd. 

We live every day to find out what that is, and what it means to us, and help shift humanity forward as a collective while we heal the soul. 

When we do this, it transmutes old outdated energy into new energy, it is the home that holds the vibration and frequency needed to be a multi-dimensional soul.

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